


许医师多次被媒体采访,分享她中医保健的知识和经验:Astro AEC 《寻花探草》、NTV7《活力加油站》、Melody FM《波士你话事》、ai FM《爱生活》以及多家报章媒体如星洲日报、中国报、生活报、风采杂志、普门杂志和社交媒体直播等。

Dr. Khor Sea Moon (TCM Gynaecology Specialist)

She has been practising TCM for more than 19 years since 2002. She is experienced in abdominal acupuncture, meridian with aromatherapy applications, herbal description, moxibustion and other TCM intervention to assist in infertility issue, women reproductive system issues, pre and post-natal conditions, slimming & beauty therapies as well as providing clients with nutrition advice and weight management. She has organised many health talks and has provided many medical consultations locally and overseas for charity causes. Her mission is to help the general public staying healthy & free from diseases. Dr. Khor has been invited by many media to share her knowledge & experience in TCM health care. They include: Astro AEC “Garden of Treasure” program, NTV7 “Living Delights” program, Melody FM “Morning Boss” program, aifm and various newspapers such as Sin Chew Daily, China Daily, Feng Chai Women magazine, Pu Men Magazines, social medias live broadcast and etc.

专长 Specialty

担任职务 Roles

  • 海月中坊中医妇科主诊医师 Chinese Physician of Sea Moon TCM and Acupuncture Centre
  • 马来西亚芳疗从业者协会创办人与会长 Founder and President of Aromatherapy Practitioners’ Association of Malaysia-APAM
  • 芳舟自然疗法学院中医保健客席讲师 TCM Trainer of RPA Holistic and Wellness Academy
  • 佛光山社交活动中医保健讲师 TCM Healthcare Trainer of Fo Guang Shan’s Social Event
  • 马来西亚旅游局吉隆坡导游协会指定中医培训讲师 TCM Trainer of  Tourism Malaysia Tour Guides
  • 南京中医药大学客上座讲师 Invited Guest Trainer of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
  • 中国无锡道生网上中医妇科培训课程讲师 TCM Gynaecology Courses Trainer of Daosheng Wuxi, China Online Courses前28 Days Academy
  • 产后专员中医培训讲师 Former TCM Trainer of 28 Days Academy Post Natal Care Giver Courses
  • 马来西亚艾灸文化协会顾问 Advisor of Malaysia Aijiu Culture  Association
  • 怡俪轩产后护理中心中医顾问 TCM advisor of  The Moment Post Natal Care Confinement Centre

学历 Academic Achievements

Currently pursuing PhD. Degree (specialised in TCM Gynaecology), Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine

TCM Master Degree, Hei Long Jiang University, China

Bachelor Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Kuala Lumpur Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

英国商业工商管理大学学士 Robert Gordon University Scotland, UK
Business in Administration (Hons) Degree, Robert Gordon University Scotland, U.K.

Diploma in Traditional Chinese Acupuncture, Kuala Lumpur Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine

U.K. ITEC Level 3 Diploma in Diet & Nutrition for Complementary Therapist

Various local & overseas, Nanjing & Xia Men TCM University’s advanced courses and psychological counselling courses

Long Sha Medical School Eighth Batch of Transmission of Disciples

奖项 Award


Asia Women Glamour Award 2019 Entrepreneurs’ Winner  

媒体特载 As Featured In

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