担任职务 Roles
- 海月中坊中医妇科主诊医师 Chinese Physician of Sea Moon TCM and Acupuncture Centre
- 马来西亚芳疗从业者协会创办人与会长 Founder and President of Aromatherapy Practitioners’ Association of Malaysia-APAM
- 芳舟自然疗法学院中医保健客席讲师 TCM Trainer of RPA Holistic and Wellness Academy
- 佛光山社交活动中医保健讲师 TCM Healthcare Trainer of Fo Guang Shan’s Social Event
- 马来西亚旅游局吉隆坡导游协会指定中医培训讲师 TCM Trainer of Tourism Malaysia Tour Guides
- 南京中医药大学客上座讲师 Invited Guest Trainer of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine
- 中国无锡道生网上中医妇科培训课程讲师 TCM Gynaecology Courses Trainer of Daosheng Wuxi, China Online Courses前28 Days Academy
- 产后专员中医培训讲师 Former TCM Trainer of 28 Days Academy Post Natal Care Giver Courses
- 马来西亚艾灸文化协会顾问 Advisor of Malaysia Aijiu Culture Association
- 怡俪轩产后护理中心中医顾问 TCM advisor of The Moment Post Natal Care Confinement Centre