DIY 美容刮痧预录课 Current Status Not Enrolled Price RM 108 Get Started Take this Course 课程说明 美容经络精油刮痧 – 理论与实习课 Facial Meridian Guasha with Essential Oil – Theory & Practical通过刮刮法,我们正在移动淋巴液,淋巴液带走毒素(在这种情况下为黑头粉刺)并刺激气与气场。 它可以调理肌肉并紧实皮肤,此外,它还可以使您深深地放松,让您真正陷入那种副交感神经系统。 内容特色 中医美容的理论常识 精油种类与个别皮肤 脸部美容刮痧的步骤示范能驻颜,美白,结实脸部肌肉和抗老 Theory of TCM Facial Guasha Essential Oils for Different Skin Types Guasha demo for Facial to Regain Youthfulness, Whitenening, Firming and Anti-Aging 请自备以下工具 Please prepare the following tools :- 刮痧板 (月型或小型刮痧板)Scrapping board (Moon shape or small size scrapping board)护肤品 Facial products洗脸霜 (泡沫) Facial wash (foam)调肤水 Toner精华素 Serum防晒霜 Sunblock精油 Essential oils (Fractionated coconut oil, Peppermint, Frankincense, Geranium, Rose, Tea Tree)镜子 Mirror发带 Hair band Course Content DIY 中医美容经络刮痧实体课预录